Friday, 26 February 2010
Lovely cards
Well I nearly got this finished last night. just got the backing to sew on and attach the button. The cotton wool crocheted up tighter and neater I think but it was harder work to get going. It has a different feel to it. Its come up slightly smaller by using the cotton and by using a finer needle which I wanted. Lets hope she likes it :)
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Wool, fabric and frames
After a little trip today to John Lewis I thought I'd show you what I picked up. Then I'll be able to show what creations I come up with. The frame is for a christening present I've yet to make for a couple of weeks time and the wool well I want to make some more crochet flower brooches and love the pattern I have but feel it maybe coming up too big for some people so I got some cotton wool and some finer needles in the hope of it being smaller. Oh and I spotted this funky green fabric swatches only small pieces but I couldn't leave them behind.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Funky Floral Pattern Sheet
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Beautiful birthday buttons
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Crochet Brooch mark 2
Birthday Books
Here are a few shots of some of the lovely books I was treated to for my birthday :)
Two gorgeous Cath Kidston books to add to my growing collection. So many lovely projects to either make or take inspiration from.
This cute little bird mobile is just the thought I had for my little stitched birds (below)
So many pretty little things in this pocket sized book.
Lots of reading to do for me now with these two. Hopefully lots of top tips too :)
All these books can be found on Amazon.
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
hope you all had a lovely Valentines day at the weekend. We had a nice quiet day I woke up to gorgeous box of chocolates at the breakfast table. Had a lovely long walk with the dogs in the afternoon even in the hail! lol then went off to Cambridge for a small chilled out concert at the exchange where G treated me to a cd and got it signed and everything :)
Thank you I had a lovely day.
I couldn't resist taking some photos of the chocolates and the lovely patterns on the packaging so here they are.
What a lovely surprise!!!
What a lovely surprise I got monday when I hopped onto my blog and saw that the lovely Eve from Minifelts had nominated me for my first blog award....The Sunshine blog award!

What an honour it is to be nominated and am delighted to receive it. The sunshine blog award is given to other bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspires others in the blogging world.
The rules for accepting this award are:
*Put the logo on your blog or within your post
*Pass the award onto 12 bloggers
*Link the nominees within your post
*Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog
*Link the person from who you received this award from.
after catching up with the blogs I read and take inspiration from it was very hard just to pick 12 to be honest there are so many wonderful blogs and very talented people out there...but my awards to pass on in no particular order are:
I hope you enjoy the blogs I have nominated too, maybe I will get to nominate some more of the lovely people I have had to miss this time.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Crochet Brooch
I started crocheting last night just fancied something different. Though there was plenty of other things I was supposed to be doing. I've got 2 sewing orders to do and not started that must start one tonight!
I'm thinking this would make a nice brooch, sew some pretty ribbons and buttons on and voila! Once it's finished I shall post more photos. Need to dig out some other coloured wool before making another, maybe some nice fluffy stuff?
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Springs here!!
Well the snowdrops are here I expect you've all spotted some by now. Springtime....yippeee.
I noticed one lonely one poking it's head through last weekend. The weather wasn't great this weekend either to get any good shots what with the snow but here's a couple of snaps. Luckily for the moment it's not settling but apparently we're in for some more.
We also popped to this fabulous shop in Walkern, Hertfordshire that I've been eyeing up for a while when we were out and about yesterday called Jolie. I could have spent hours in there exploring all the lovely wools and books oh and lots of little gifty items that would make great presents or things for your home. They were very friendly and chatty and their blog is here. They even run little workshops two mornings a week. How great is that!
I did get a lovely little notebook set for my friends birthday this week and I also treated myself to a book while I was there that I have been eyeing up on Amazon for sometime.
Now thats spring's on it's way I thought this would be great to get my hands on and experiment with lots of pretty little flowers for spring and summertime.
Find Lesley Stanfields book here on Amazon along with several other books she has written.
These just look good enough to eat, here they are brightening up a shopping bag.
Just love all these pretty little flower bunches and the lavender is divine. Hoping I can get my needles out soon enough to have a play.
Funky Foliage
I was just rummaging through my photos looking for something and I came across these. I've always liked them they're rather architectural and sculptural plants. It was a day out in London think it was this time last year, a walk along the Thames. I'm sure I had them in black and white somewhere too....
Monday, 1 February 2010
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